Cleopatra (1914)

Luis Bori
Genre: Zarzuela bufa in one act.
Text: Gonzalo Cantó and Eugenio Gullón.
Music: Francisco Alonso.
Premiere: November 27, 1914, at Teatro Nuevo, Barcelona.
Performers of the premiere: Ms. A. Taberner, Mrs. C. Taberner, Ms. Rosell, Miss Estela, Mr. Barberá, Mr. Vallejo, Mr. Safe, Mr. Villegas.
Synopsis: a maverick, daring work, which offers a caricature of the environment and the characters of Alexandria in 31 a. of C., loosely based around the loves of Cleopatra and Marco Antonio.
After being presented in Seville and Valencia, Cleopatra was premiered in Madrid (Teatro Martín), with Sara Fenor, Gloria Palomares and Luis Bori.
The most successful numbers were “Nile Dance”, “Raconto de Cleopatra y los sabios” and some choral cuplés were also enthusiastically applauded.