Motets and Bulerías (1924)
Genre: Sainete Lírico
Text: Diego Valero.
Music: Francisco Alonso.
Premiere: May 9, 1924, at Teatro Cómico, Madrid.
Performers of the premiere: Matilde López, Mrs. Argota, Joaquín Roa, Mr. Abolafia, Mr. Rufart, Mr. Bretaño, Mr. Velázquez.
A review of the time summed up the work: “A flamenco singer-songwriter become a sacristan and organist, all at the same time; the parade of several funny and well-structured characters, in the context of a sacristy; three numbers of maestro Alonso, so typical of his work, and therefore, after an flawless interpretation, were thus repeated to rapturous applause . This is the new sainete that has been greatly applauded and laughed about “
Among those musical numbers, of flamenco inspiration, a sentimental duo played by the main couple, and another number with singing and dancing, drew special attention from the press.